Mobile Gadgets
Mobile Gadgets are our collection of gadgets related to Seawolf Wireless. The collection is in the process of development.
In stock
Dual Nano SIM Slot and TF Slot (Micro-SD Slot)
In stock
Dual Nano SIM and TF
Plan + Sim for New Customers
Plan + Sim are designed for new customers who need both a plan and a 4G LTE Triple Cuts SIM (check how it works page). If you are an active user, please go to Plans, Topups and Gadgets sections of this page.
In stock
Ultra Saving
sim card, 600 minutes, 900 texts, 100MB data, 90 days
In stock
Lowest Price
sim card, 600 minutes, 1000 texts, 100MB data
In stock
Best Value
sim card, unlimted minutes, unlimted texts, 1GB data, $3 intl credit
In stock
VIP with 2GB Data
sim card, 600 minutes, 1000 texts, 2GB data, $3 intl credit
In stock
Primary Service
sim card, unlimted minutes, unlimted texts, 2GB data, $5 intl credit
In stock
data 500M
sim card, 50 minutes, 50 texts, 500MB data
In stock
Biz Plan
sim card, 200 minutes, 200 texts, no data
In stock
sim card, 0 minutes, 0 texts, 9GB data
Plans for Recharge Only
Plans are recharge only and are for active Seawolf Wireless users to recharge their accounts. There is no SIM card. If you are new customer, please go to Plan + Sim section of this page to buy a plan and SIM.
In stock
Best Value
unlimted minutes, unlimted texts, 1GB data, $3 intl credit
In stock
Ultra Saving
600 minutes, 900 texts, 100MB data, 90 days
In stock
Primary Service
unlimted minutes, unlimted texts, 2GB data, $5 intl credit
In stock
Data 500M
50 minutes, 50 texts, 500M data
In stock
Biz Plan
200 minutes, 200 texts, 0KB data
Topups of Data, Air Time and Intl Credit, Translation Service
Topups are designed for active Seawolf Wireless users to add additional data, air time or international credit. If you are new customers, please go to Plan + Sim section of this page to buy a plan and SIM.
In stock
UpData 250 MB
Add 250 MB 4GB LTE data to your plan for 90 days
In stock
UpData 500 MB
Add 500M 4G LTE data to your plan for 90 days
In stock
UpData 1 GB
Add 1 GB 4G LTE your plan for 90 days
In stock
UpTalk 100
Add 100 air time to your plan for 90 days
In stock
UpTalk 200
Add 200 air time to your plan for 90 days
In stock
UpCredit $5
Add $5 international credit to your plan for 90 days
In stock
UpCredit $10
Add $10 international credit to your plan for 90 days
In stock
UpCredit $20
Add $20 international credit to your plan for 90 days
In stock
30 days
For gsd users /
In stock
30 days
For mvno users / seawolfwireless
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